Storytelling: In January of 2019, I started scared asf...
Jan 02, 2025
Hey There My Beloved Wilds,
I wanted to share this true story about my life and how I got from miserable housewife with literally no money, not even a single credit card in my own name to Founding a Modern Mystery School and Private Practice.
In January of 2019 I decided to invest in a program I was terrified to join and too broke to pay for.. but I made it happen, and long story short that decision made the version of me I am today HAPPEN.
Join me in my podcast here for all the deets... listen here
What belief about yourself are you going to let go of in 2025?
To join my six month program and change your life click here or goto the AWAKEN page here on the Wilde Spirit Co. website.
Warmly and Wildly,
Lauren Wilde
Learn all about Lauren's life changing 6 month program AWAKEN today. Lauren has helped over 1,000 people step into their most authentic self and embody their freedom. That could be you today!Ā
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I will never share your info or spam you. It's not my style.